The most popular books are “The World Book of Happiness” , “The World Book of Love” and “The World Book of Hope”. They have become international bestsellers. In the three books 100 experts in the field, from more than 50 different countries, explain what we know about happiness, love and hope. They all share their knowledge in less than 1000 words. This offers a unique universal and kaleidoscopic view that has inspired more than 300.000 readers worldwide.
Find out about both books on their own websites (and don’t forget to watch the funny short trailers): and and
“The World Book of Happiness” has been sent to all world leaders by European Chairman Herman Van Rompuy as a special New Year’s gift in 2012. Nobel Prize winner Kofi Annan has written the first chapter of The World Book of Hope.
In 2023: ‘The New World Book of Happiness’ About ‘the essence’ of happiness, quality of life and wellbeing. Watch the trailer etc on
You want to be inspired in a very active way? Read and use the both boxes with 52 appealing cards: “The World Box of Happiness” and “The World Box of Love”. They are treasure boxes to improve your happiness & love life, by weekly challenges fit for everybody. These boxes are available in Dutch, French and German.
“The Happiness Calendar” is only available in Dutch. It offers 365 concrete ideas to improve your happiness day by day. Every day you get the wise insight of a famous person who is born on that specific day. His wisdom is linked to a concrete idea for the day.
How to become an optimist? This practical guide book has been published in French (Optimiste. Guide pratique pour voir la vie du bon côté – Les Editions de l’Homme) , Dutch (Word optimist! – Lannoo Publishers) and German (Ab heute bin ich optimist). Optimists are healthier and more successful in sports, politics, business, school, relationships … why don’t you want to become one or to improve your optimism in daily life practice? Thanks to the basic approach this book has inspired thousands of readers.
The practical guide ’20 ways to happiness’ has been translated in Dutch, French and German.
The children’s books ‘Happiness for children’ have been translated in Dutch, French and German. See
The World Book of Happiness. Reviews on
Average Customer Review 4.7 out of 5 stars
5.0 out of 5 stars A book for future changes
Research for everybody! Excellent. This book provides scientific knowledge on what works well for people, in different situations. Easy to read, gives the sources if you are curious and wants to know more. The best: it creates hope and optimism. Where to put it: under your pillow. Why? Because it gives great words from great people how to live our lives and how to create our future. Based on positive psychology. Perfect in the modern world, within leadership, relationships, society, politics etc. Wherever people are connected, and for yourself coping and shaping your life, even when you struggle. I am very grateful for this book.
By Chris
I like the global perspective of the book – and it is based on grounded research. You will enjoy it.
4.0 out of 5 stars Everyone should read this book!
Leo Bormans has inspired me many times this year. His book of Happiness is a great collection of a lot of knowledge. He has also learned me to dream big! After reading this book and met Bormans my life has changed!